Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Go Kyung Pyo updates fans on what he's been up to lately in 'Kwave M'

'K Wave' magazine has changed its name to 'Kwave M', and with the change, we have another set of cuts from Go Kyung Pyo's feature in a new edition!

In his interview, he talked about maturing with age, saying, "Back when I was young and full of energy, some of the more self-righteous sides of my personality showed up negatively in people's eyes, but as I got older, I learned to be embarrassed, and also learned to look back with a peace of mind. These days, a lot of friends come to me first. I could say [this maturity] comes from that fact. (laughter) These days I harmonize with people of all personalities and backgrounds."

On what he's been up to lately, the actor relayed, "I'm dieting, so I can't drink at all. We choose healthier options where you can use your body. We go for ping pong, pool, shooting, pitching machines, and lately, I've been into darts. When 4-5 guys play on bets, the time ends up being 5AM instantly."

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